Saturday, August 15, 2009

Overdue Post

Hi Everyone,

Sorry for the delay. No excuse really, but just haven't updated the blog in a while.

We went to Minnesota several weeks ago and stopped in Chicago to visit a German U-Boat at the Museum of Science and Industry.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Non Liam Related News

With Grandma Patty

Liam and Grandpa Wayne-O

Proud uncle E-Bone Capone

Grandma Fran with Liam at the hospital

With Grandpa Bo or "Papi" if we can get him to call my dad that.

Liam's first visit with friend Lindsay and Jason (congratulation to them for recently getting hitched).

His "on the phone" pose

"Burrito Baby" or "Taco Brocko"

Liam is great. Mom is great. Dad is doing well and getting into the swing of things. We just had Bethany's folks and brother and my parents in town. We're going to try this parenting thing out on our own for a bit... and by on our own, I mean, with the help of 50 people from our church who are helping with meals and offers to babysit.

I play in a ukulele club in Ann Arbor once a month. I was interviewed for a report that is going to be aired on NPR 6-1-09. The report is a bit boring, but at 2:32 into the interview she used a brief clip of me playing the ukulele solo. My comments did not make the cut, even though, I tried to be funny.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Liam Andrew Brockman

"Taint my fault"

Glad to be here

Looking at mom

Who's this dude?

Family of three

Born at 4:47 PM on May 17, 2009. Liam Andrew Brockman weighs 7 pounds 1 ounce. He is quiet, but alert and is doing well. He stayed up for about 3 hours after he was born and then started to nod off. He is trying to decide if he wants to sleep or eat presently.

Monday, May 11, 2009

7 Days-ish to go!


39 Weeks

38 Weeks

Hi Everybody,

We have one more week until the due date. That doesn't mean it will get here on the due date, but it better (fist shaking). Bethany has been surprisingly nice to me. The ratio of niceness to dilation is probably inversely correlated. I will be sure to bring this up during labor. It should go over well.

I have a few pictures to update...

We are eagerly awaiting the arrival of the baby. Bethany is feeling good during the day but the baby gets real active when she goes to bed.

We're planning on bringing the computer to the hospital so that we can post pictures.


Sunday, April 12, 2009

6 weeks to go

6 weeks until the baby arrives. I will post pictures of the Baby Shower shortly.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Weekend


Bethany and I just got back from walking in the Cork Town St. Patrick's Day Race. We walked about 2 miles for the race. We had a good time and met some of our friends down there. We stayed down there for a couple of hours, but then came home to get a start on the week.

We watched a couple movies this weekend... "Rachel Getting Married" and "Nights in Rodanthe". Rachel Getting Married is dark and a bit tedious. Nights in Rodanthe was a typical Nicholas Sparks book-turned-movie.

I made lunch for Bethany on Saturday and in the spirit of learning how to make food for children, I created a weiner dog celery/peanut butter animal.

We start our baby classes on Monday. I don't remember if they go for 3 or 4 weeks. It will probably be eye-opening and I will need to keep my funny comments to myself.

Take care,


Sunday, March 1, 2009

March Dawns

March is here and that means only 3 more months of winter. It is in the low 30's for the highs, but today it was warm in the morning and then very cold throughout the afternoon.

We had a productive weekend. Friday we had dinner with our friends the McCulloughs. We went to their house and had a great turkey meatloaf. I had a terrible week at work and it was nice to just unwind.

Saturday, Bethany got up and went mall walking with Eden. They ended up seeing "The Wrestler" after their mall walking and she said it was pretty good. Our dishwasher broke about two weeks ago. We bought a GE because they have six sigma quality control... however, I guess we got the 1 in 6 billionth product that could have a defect, because it only lasted about 3 years. We bought a another one at Lowe's on Saturday afternoon. I went to Home Depot on Friday night, but apparently they "don't stock dishwasher" because they are trying to "keep inventory low". I wanted to point out that the whole point of mega box home improvement warehouses is that you have large appliances in stock, so that somebody can come in and say, "I need 40 dishwashers right now!" But, I'm not sure that the appliance guy would have cared or listened. Oh well, Lowe's had them in stock and we got a better dishwasher for about the same price and free delivery.

It got delivered on Sunday after church and I installed it. So, we can now do not have to do dishes by hand.

Bethany is feeling well and by popular request, we have a belly picture.

On a sad note, a friend of mine just found out that her husband has late stage cancer. They should find out this week if the cancer has spread to his blood (I'm not sure exactly what this means if 'spread to the blood' is the correct terminology, but I know it is only a matter of weeks if this is the case). They have a young son and it does not look good. Please be sure to include them in your prayers.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

2, 3, 1000, and 3

We're back from Indianapolis and Cincinnati. The class I took was excellent and proved to be very helpul. Technically, I was on vacation for two days last week (Monday and Friday). I spent a portion of each day doing work, though, which is annoying.
The company paid me to drive on Tuesday and Thursday. I had the class on Wednesday, so I worked three days this week. We drove about 1,000 miles throughout the week, but it was broken up well. It took forever to get to Indianapolis because they had a big snow storm the day we arrived and we got stuck in traffic for 2 hours just outside of the city.
We got back early afternoon on Friday and I had to do a little work and then I went and met friends from the old insurance company. Matt told me about a great new musician, Andrew Bird. It is very good. The new album is called "Noble Beast". I went and purchased it today with Bethany.
Bethany and I woke up this morning and she went to collect Pickle (who was staying at Eden's house while we were gone). When she got back, she wanted to know what we were going to do. Apparently, my intention of doing nothing was not alright, so we turned the day into a movie day. We watched, "He's just not that into you" which was funny in parts and fairly good for a Drew Barrymore movie. I then watched "the Namesake" which was very good and then we went to Blockbuster and rented "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" which was enjoyable.
Tomorrow we will be attending a weiner dog play date with about 80 other weiner dog lovers. We'll try to remember the camera so that we can get some pictures.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Bethany's First Post

I am taking ownership and writing my own post. Andy and I just went to our 24 week check-up and everything is normal. Next time I have to do the gross glucose test for gestational diabetes and bloodwork (not my favorite either). I am also taking a pre-natal exercise class which has been surprisingly fun and makes me feel normal and "less" pregnant if that makes sense. I need to incorporate more of the exercises into my everyday routine instead of only once a week. Andy and I both have colds right now so we are taking it easy before our vacation starts next week where we will travel to exciting Indianapolis (for Andy's work) and then a short visit with my parents and family.
We have alot of nursery room stuff accomplished which is really nice to have done with and my mom is busy making all the cute bedding, curtains, etc. which makes things much more real to me. Next to figure out is baby registry stuff which I do not enjoy so far. We will show pictures once we get some of the decorations/accessories up.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Cut it out Michigan!

Well, it has been hovering around 0 degrees for the last couple of days. My poor little car heater is not able to keep up, so I can see through my windshield and that is about it. We're supposed to get another 3 to 6 inches of snow. The snow doesn't bother me as much as the bitter cold. Wind chill that is well below zero feels like a knife cutting any skin that is exposed. I'll put a plug in for Eddie Bauer here... I bought a down coat from Eddie Bauer this year... why? Well, last spring I told my wife, "I won't need any of my winter things anymore, just sell it in the garage sale." So, I spent about a week in the mid 40's in which I didn't have a good winter coat. Bethany took mercy on me and let me buy the Eddie Bauer coat (which wasn't expensive compared to North Face or other name brand stuff). So, I have the huge, heavy coat from Eddie Bauer and it is supposed to be good to -20 degrees. I find that it is very comfortable from both -20 to around 40 degrees. It hasn't failed me yet and Bethany said that I haven't complained nearly as much about the weather as I used to. If I had bought this jacket ten years ago maybe I wouldn't be so angry all winter.

Well, Michigan appears to heading for more economic disaster. The big three got their bailout money which means that they should be asking for a second bailout in the next few weeks. Since it doesn't appear that we will be able to leave Michigan (and we don't particularly want to leave) we are trying to refinance our home. This should help give us a little breathing room when Bethany is on maternity leave.

No new baby news. It is just floating around growing skin, or whatever a baby is doing at this point.

Bethany's parents are coming to visit this weekend and we're going to paint the nursery. I think after painting a nursery we will need to do something manly, so we'll probably see the new Clint Eastwood movie. I plan on ringing a cow bell every time Clint scowls at someone. It is probably good that there isn't a drinking game involving shots everytime he does something awesome, because everyone would be dead. I'm fairly certain that Clint Eastwood is Chuck Norris' father.

Take care.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Ultrasound and Baby furniture

We went for the ultrasound on the 29th. Everything was fine and we got to see the baby rolling over and stretching his/her legs.

They said that all was well and within the normal ranges. It weighs about 10 ozs. now.

We spent all of last weekend going baby shopping on Craigslist. We were able to get about $1,000 of baby stuff for less than $300. Our friends, David and Carol, let us use their SUV so we were able to get everything home.

Above you get to play the fun game called: Which picture is our ultrasound and which one is the Loch Ness Monster?
We put Pickle and Lupe in the crib to make sure it was put together properly. This is the last time they will be allowed anywhere near the baby's stuff.

Bethany then told Pickle that he was too fat and would probably break the crib. This was Pickle's response...

Have a great week (or month) depending on when I update this again.