Saturday, February 7, 2009

2, 3, 1000, and 3

We're back from Indianapolis and Cincinnati. The class I took was excellent and proved to be very helpul. Technically, I was on vacation for two days last week (Monday and Friday). I spent a portion of each day doing work, though, which is annoying.
The company paid me to drive on Tuesday and Thursday. I had the class on Wednesday, so I worked three days this week. We drove about 1,000 miles throughout the week, but it was broken up well. It took forever to get to Indianapolis because they had a big snow storm the day we arrived and we got stuck in traffic for 2 hours just outside of the city.
We got back early afternoon on Friday and I had to do a little work and then I went and met friends from the old insurance company. Matt told me about a great new musician, Andrew Bird. It is very good. The new album is called "Noble Beast". I went and purchased it today with Bethany.
Bethany and I woke up this morning and she went to collect Pickle (who was staying at Eden's house while we were gone). When she got back, she wanted to know what we were going to do. Apparently, my intention of doing nothing was not alright, so we turned the day into a movie day. We watched, "He's just not that into you" which was funny in parts and fairly good for a Drew Barrymore movie. I then watched "the Namesake" which was very good and then we went to Blockbuster and rented "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" which was enjoyable.
Tomorrow we will be attending a weiner dog play date with about 80 other weiner dog lovers. We'll try to remember the camera so that we can get some pictures.